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Zoom Etiquette Guidelines

ASC Zoom Etiquette Guidelines

Standard rules and protocols to help create a supportive and productive virtual classroom.

  1. Come to class on time each week. 
    • If you are going to be late, please email us at info@actingstudiochicago.com.
    • You can also call the office at 312-527-4566. If we’re unavailable, please leave a message!
  1. Find a quiet and private area in which to sit and work.
    • Please refrain from joining us from a public place, your car, or somewhere outside. In the past, we’ve found these environments to be distracting to the class and unconducive to virtual learning.
  1. Make sure you are well lit and have a neutral background. 
    • Your light source should be in front of your device so we can see you.
    • Work somewhere in which your background won’t distract from your performance.
  1. Let other members of your household know when you are going to be in class so that they do not disturb you.
  1. Treat the virtual classroom the same way you would an in-person classroom — behave the way you would if we were all in the room together.
    • No cell phones in class.
    • No multitasking in different windows or on various devices. 
    • No eating dinner 
    • Dress appropriately
    • Only take breaks during times designated by the instructor.
  1. Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking to avoid distractions.
  1. Try to be stationary when it’s not your turn to work/perform. Moving around your space while others are working is distracting to the group, and can cause motion sickness in some people.
  1. Have fun, work hard, challenge yourself, and support your classmates!

New Student Acting Seminar at the Acting Studio Chicago

Look Who's Working!


Phil Guison shot industrials for WebMD and Valvoline!