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Welcome Packet

Studio Policy

Welcome, I am so glad you’re here! If you are reading this, you are most likely beginning an online or in-person class with us.

All work in every class at Acting Studio Chicago is based on Michael Shurtleff’s book, Audition. This book is required reading for all classes. A thorough understanding of his 12 Guideposts (included with this packet) will prove to be invaluable to you during your learning process. 

Active Participation in class discussions is strongly encouraged. Learning how to watch other actors work and formulate articulate, constructive criticism will broaden and deepen your understanding of your own process. Focus on making your feedback constructive and positive. Avoid talking about symptoms or technical problems. Because we consider your experience observing your classmates’ work to be such an integral part of your own learning process, we strongly discourage leaving class early. If you must leave class early, please let the office or your instructor know as soon as you know so that we can make any necessary adjustments to the schedule for that evening. 

Acting Studio Chicago Office number is 312-527-4566. Our email is info@actingstudiochicago.com. Please coordinate all messages, financial arrangements, etc. with our office staff at this email address or phone number. We are currently working from home and are very responsive to both email and voice mail. If you contact us after business hours, you can expect a response by the next day.


We ask that you pay your balance in full 1 day before the start of class. If you have a saved credit card in your account, it will run automatically the morning of your first class. If necessary, you can sign up for a payment plan. We will need a valid credit card on file in order for you to be eligible for the payment plan. The payment plan will add $10 to your total to cover the additional administrative and bookkeeping work and will split the balance between the first and second class. If you do not pay by the second class of the session, an additional $25 service fee will be added to your tuition. If you do not finish payment by the third class, you may not be permitted to take class until the remaining balance is paid. Please read your enrollment agreement carefully. If you have any questions, please ask. 


An absence is considered excused only if it is for an audition, rehearsal, or gig in the business. You are entitled to make up the class in the following eight-week session, subject to space availability.  You are allowed up to three excused absences. Please coordinate makeup classes with the office. All absences not related to the business, however legitimate they are, are unexcused and cannot be made up. We understand that emergencies happen, that you may get sick, etc. and we will do our best to keep you caught up with the rest of the class should you have to be absent but, unfortunately, due to space availability in classes, we cannot let these be made up in the next term. Please remember that we cannot reimburse you for classes missed. You have made a valuable investment in yourself with these classes; get as much out of it as you can! 

Prep work

Many of our classes require preparation outside of class. This helps our teachers maximize the time spent in the classroom. Therefore if you need to be absent make sure to let us know as soon as possible. This way your teacher can make necessary adjustments, well before the class begins.

For On-Camera, Scene Study, Voiceover, Monologue, and other classes: Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to class start. Use this time to get yourself centered and ready for work. Relax, go over your assignment, but be ready to begin at the scheduled class time. Latecomers may be asked to wait until the break to be admitted to class. In the event that you are assigned specific scene work for Camera class or anything that may require extra prep time before class, you will be informed at the prior class and given a call time for the following week. 

Dress Code

Wear clothes and shoes in which you feel comfortable being physical. Please keep Jewelry to a minimum. 

Eating and Drinking

Eating and drinking in class is permitted, but please eat quietly and pick up after yourself. Please keep your workspace clean for you and your fellow actors. We do not have a regular janitorial service, so your cooperation in leaving the space better than you found it is greatly appreciated. In accordance with Illinois law, smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes, is prohibited. 

Phones and Texting

We wish we didn’t have to say it, but in today’s world… well we have to say it! The use of cell phones and texting is strictly prohibited in our classes. Phones must remain on silent for the duration of your class. All phones and tablets must remain in your bag during class. There are no exceptions. 

It is also not permitted to record audio or video for personal use during any of our classes.

All of us at Acting Studio Chicago want your time here to be positive, productive, and exciting. Please feel free to talk to us if you are having problems or just need to talk about your process. This is an arts teaching institution so we strive for open and honest communication. 


Rachael Patterson, Studio Director

New Student Acting Seminar at the Acting Studio Chicago

Look Who's Working!


Phil Guison shot industrials for WebMD and Valvoline!