Linda (Gillum — Level 1: Introduction to Shurtleff: Online) was great at answering questions and encouraging everyone!
— Sarah Sherwood
Sarafina (Vecchio - ShakesPlay! Online) taught each lesson with a creative approach, and when someone didn't understand she adapted to make sure that student understood and felt heard.
— Meradi Ramirez
She (Christina Gorman - Level 2 Shurtleff to Scene: Online) was excellent! She explained many things about what to expect during theatre and TV auditions, along with helping us improve our skills and helping us understand Shurtleff's Guideposts more.
— Cara Olson
Sarafina (Vecchio — Level 3 Scene Study: Online) is the real-deal. Her approach was different in the best way possible. I took nuggets from her like I have with all my instructors so far, and it all works well!
— Justin Mobley
Her (Sarafina Vecchio — Level 3 Scene Study: Online) classes and exercises were so well structured. Her feedback was very valuable and insightful and helped me to learn and grow. I loved her humor and how she made class fun as well as informative.
— Camille Baxter
Charles (Andrew Gardner — On Camera Intro: Online) really went above and beyond. I loved how he set the tone for the class by having us decide our own class agreements. It really gave us ownership of how we wanted our few weeks together to go.
— Sierra Rhodes
The instructor (Charles Andrew Gardner — On Camera Intro: Online) did an awesome job in allowing time for industry-related questions every class. Additionally, he allowed the class time to extend when needed in order to make sure everyone got the opportunity to do their self-tape live in class.
— Alleece Baker
Adrianne (Cury — Scene Study -The Fast and The Furious Edition: Online) gave specific, actionable feedback that I was able to implement into rehearsal with my partner and in-class performance. She also has a great sense of humor! I feel like I will be able to apply what I've learned in this course to both in-person scene work, as well as Zoom scene work.
— Hannah Mary Simpson
Jeff (Lupetin — Intermediate Voice Over: Online) did a great job instructing the class. He's very laid back and has a good sense of humor, which makes him easier to talk with and ask questions. He gave solid feedback on my progression as a voiceover student, and offered good suggestions and tips on how to improve. I can't think of anything I would change.
— Marc Levalle
Jeff (Lupetin — Intermediate Voice Over: Online) is truly a treasure. Nurturing and enouraging students, explaining what the work of VO really is, and giving each student specific coaching tailored to them. This is exactly what we signed up for!
— Zachary Spector