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Resources to Improve Your Craft

Check out these great resources to improve your process and deepen your study of acting.

 Resources for Actors - CouchesCoaches

Nail your auditions with a coaching session!


Resources for Actors - BooksBooks for Actors

Books, plays, websites and more to sharpen your skills and expand your actor toolbox


Resources for Actors - Book StoresBookstores and Publishers

Expand your personal script library!


Resources for Actors - Discussion of CharacterA Discussion of Character

Thoughts from studio founder, Jane Brody, on the importance of personalization in acting.


Resources for Actors - 12 GuidepostsThe 12 Guideposts

An extremely practical approach to acting and the heart of what we teach in our classes.


Resources for Actors - DialectsInternational Dialects of English Archive

Great resource of dialects


Welcome Packet for All New Students

Action Verb List

Physical Action

From A Practical Handbook For The Actor

Zoom Etiquitte Guidelines

New Student Acting Seminar at the Acting Studio Chicago

Look Who's Working!


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