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Kids and Teens - Specialty Classes


Specifically designed to give tangible audition tools to young actors ages 9-12.

Break down the commercial audition process, from self-tape to callbacks to booking, while working on a variety of commercial copy, ranging from MOS, single person, and group work/dialogue. Learn when and how to improvise in an audition and gain confidence in your process. Students will discuss various techniques to utilize when working on camera and "selling" a product. All material chosen is from actual professional auditions and is age-appropriate.

During this one-day workshop, with the guidance of Emmy-winning and Broadway Casting Director Kaitlin Shaw, C.S. A. (Paskal Rudnicke Casting), students will also have a Q&A opportunity to round out this fun and challenging experience. Students will leave feeling courageous about their commercial audition process! 

PRE-REQUISITE:  Students who have a desire to audition for commercials. Having taken at least one acting class is ideal but not required. 

*This workshop is not an audition or guarantee of employment.

Tuition: $150

1 Day Workshop!

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