#1 Audiobook narration is all about acting. Audiobook narration is about acting. Acting training and experience is fundamental. Having a gorgeous voice is great, but without the essentials of experience and training, you won’t have the skill to narrate with the grounded emotions that all authors want to get across. There are typically several characters that you alone will need to narrate and express as real, tangible people. It’s important…

3 Simple Ways To Prepare Your Actor Business For The New Year
by Sarafina Vecchio The business of acting is a serious one, indeed. We often talk about tax write offs, union dues, agent fees, and so much more. But what if you aren’t ‘there’ yet? What can you do to help your new business grow and succeed? I work with a lot of new actors who are trying to get themselves prepped for audition seasons. What they don’t realize is that…

Dramaturgy? What is it?
by Dana Pepowski They’re everywhere: sharing research in the rehearsal room, leading a thought-provoking talkback, or sifting through new scripts as literary manager for a theatre company. Dramaturgs’ skills in analysis, problem-solving, and imagination make them ideal collaborators with actors. But what does that relationship look like? Let’s find out about dramaturgy! I spoke with Maren Robinson, freelance and resident dramaturg at TimeLine Theatre, an ensemble member at Lifeline Theatre,…

Meet Our Instructors!
We are fortunate to have such inspiring teachers at ASC. We’re excited to highlight a few new additions that have been helping our students grow. Meet our instructors, Sarah Tolan-Mee, Joshua Moaney, and Sara Mountjoy-Pepka! Sarah Tolan-Mee is an actor and director from NYC. She guides actors and creative artists, including Pulitzer Prize winners, MacArthur Fellows, and PEN award winners, in expressive embodiment. She is a protege of the great…

Tracking Down Copies Of Your Commercial Work
Getting a copy of a commercial you worked on always requires some effort. Your agent might be able to help, but ultimately, tracking down a copy of the work is your job, not theirs. Here’s a shortlist of your best contact options. 1. The Production Company. This is your best bet. The company name should be on your call sheet from the job (always keep your call sheets!). Most production…

An Interview with Nicole McGovern, 2nd A.D.
by Matt Miller I have had the pleasure of working with Nicole McGovern as a 2nd Assistant Director on a few commercial jobs now and I’m so happy that she had the time to answer some questions about her work. Below is a short interview covering the basics of the 2nd Assistant Director position as well as some of Nicole’s tips for actors on set. MM: What are the primary…

Self-Directing Your Animation Voice Over
You’ve done it! You’ve gotten an amazing voiceover agent. The sound equipment you’ve put together is perfectly suited for your voice and your home studio is an oasis of creativity. After months of commercial auditions, your inbox dings with the opportunity you’ve been waiting for since starting your voiceover journey: an animation audition! Panic sets in. It has been your dream to audition for animation since you were old enough…

3 Tax Tips for Actors
3 Tax Tips for Actors from David Turrentine by Adriana Trajkovski As most actors know, the hardest part of this crazy biz is staying afloat financially while pursuing your career. These Tax Tips for Actors are here to help! Actors need to manage their money and find daytime gigs that have flexibility for auditioning/rehearsing. One essential part of money management is understanding taxes; something that actors can find scary and…

You booked that commercial job–what’s next? Your wardrobe fitting, where making the choice as an actor to risk enthusiasm always pays off!

The Reel Deal
You’ve self-taped, booked the job, your scene has finally aired. Now let’s put together your demo reel with Aircheck!