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Attendance Policy

We take attendance very seriously as regular class attendance helps us offer consistency in the classroom. Acting is a team sport, so we encourage the whole team to be present and ready to work.

Therefore, we ask that you call our office at 312-527-4566 if you are going to miss class for any reason or will not be able to arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of your class. This helps us get classes started on time.

An absence is considered excused only if it is for an audition, rehearsal, or shoot in the business (extra and print work are not included.) You are entitled to make up the class in the following eight-week session, subject to space availability. You are allowed up to 3 excused absences. Please coordinate this with the office. All absences NOT related to the business, however legitimate they are, are unexcused and cannot be made up. We understand that emergencies happen, that you may get sick, etc… and we will do our best to keep you caught up with the rest of the class should you have to be absent. Unfortunately, due to space availability in classes, we cannot let these be made up in the next term. Regardless if the absence is excused or unexcused, if you miss two consecutive classes or three classes altogether, you will not be able to continue with the class on an active basis. You may sit in and observe the remaining classes in your session. If something comes up in the middle of a session and you are unable to continue with class, please be sure to talk to us about it.

Please remember that we cannot reimburse you for classes missed. You have made a valuable investment in yourself with these classes, get as much out of it as you can!

New Student Acting Seminar at the Acting Studio Chicago

Look Who's Working!


ASC student, Zola Pineda, was cast in "Gypsy" with Beverly Theatre Guild!