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Looking for the in-person Core Level 1 class? Click here!

Are you ready to finally take the leap and start your acting training? Build a solid foundation in a friendly, supportive environment where you’ll learn a practical way to achieve goals during rehearsal and performance. Get to know Shurtleff's Guideposts as an effective approach to personalizing scripts, creating importance in a scene, and making clear, unique choices.

In this online class, you will learn:

  • Physical and vocal warm-ups to train your instrument.
  • Theatre exercises and improvisation techniques designed to build your confidence and to connect with your scene partner.
  • Neutral scene work intended to assist in focusing on the importance of Relationship, Conflict, Action, and Communication.
  • Script analysis as the foundation for understanding the scene and discovering what you’re doing.
  • Scene work and guaranteed class time to rehearse and perform scenes with partners.

You’ll also receive personalized feedback and guidance from passionate industry professionals who care about your journey as a developing artist.

At the beginning of each session, we provide a New Student Webinar free of charge for all new ASC students. This dynamic and useful introduction to Michael Shurtleff's Guideposts is led by actor, director, and faculty member, Kurt Naebig and acquaints students to the common language and practices of the studio.

Want to learn more about ASC and Michael Shurtleff's Guideposts? Prospective students are welcome to join a New Student Webinar for $10 (applied to a future class if the student chooses to enroll). 

"The clarity that the Shurtleff method gave me definitely surpassed my expectations and gave me a definitive method to use when preparing scenes. I 100% would take another class as well as recommend to a friend." — Past student Siubhan Stormont

Required: No prior training is required - just tell us a little bit about yourself when you submit your application!

Students must have internet access, as well as a computer, cell phone, or tablet with a working camera and microphone.

Tuition: $395

8 Weeks

Upcoming Classes

Tuesdays, 6:00p-9:00p

Starts February 25

Linda Gillum

Actress/Director Linda brings her warmth and experience to class and is the Casting Director of Remy Bumppo!

More about Linda



Linda (Gillum Level 1: Introduction to Shurtleff: Online) was great at answering questions and encouraging everyone!

— Sarah Sherwood

His (Jack BronisLevel 1 Introduction to Shurtleff: Online) feedback was specific and helpful, and delivered with honesty and compassion. I think he did a great job of meeting us where we are but also pushing us to grow. He also worked within the bounds of the Zoom/remote format well!

— Amanda Lee Anderson

He (Jack Bronis - Level 1 Introduction to Shurtleff: Online) was very supportive of everyone's talents, and his criticisms were always constructive.

— Kurt Collins


Core Acting Online

Level 1: Online 

Core Acting In Person

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

Look Who's Working!


McGuire Price booked a commercial for Booking.com!