Nolan Evans
Nolan Evans booked a voiceover role in an ad for Illinois Department of Human Services’ Reimagine campaign!
Designed for the professional, Masters Scene Study is a unique opportunity to work with a variety of directors, each with their own directing style. Each week, a professional director will work with the class. Each actor will work in front of the class every other week on scenes with four of the eight directors and in the alternate weeks, will actively observe the other four directors' work with their classmates. This class requires a professional-level commitment as we encourage all actors to work at the top of their game!
The class begins with a Meet And Greet with the class facilitator, Christy Arington. This is a great opportunity to learn the style and how these top Chicago directors work with actors!
2025 Directors will be posted in January.
2024 Directors included:
Required: Strong professional acting training and professional theatre credits. Admission is determined by headshot, resume, and audition with Studio Director Rachael Patterson. Once you apply for the class, we will contact you to schedule an audition slot.
9 Weeks - 8 Weeks of class & A Preliminary Student Meet & Greet Orientation