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12 Questions to Ask When Seeking Agent Representation

Agent Representation: Prepare for your meetings

When an agent agrees to meet with you to discuss agent representation, be prepared for the meeting.  Ultimately it is you, the actor, who is hiring the agent to help guide your career, identify and advocate for auditions, and once you “book” will be the person negotiating contracts on your behalf.

Keep your power in your business and do your homework on the agency and decide which questions you’d like to ask, in order to make an informed decision.  The agent has most likely been doing their job longer than you have, which means you must be educated as possible and do your research in order to remain confident when meeting these potential business partners. The agent is interviewing you, but you are also interviewing them! Below are some questions to consider. 

  1. How many actors do you represent?
  2. How many actors of my type do you currently represent?
  3. What kind of projects do you typically work on?
  4. What type of auditions can I expect to receive?
  5.  How do you like actors to check in? Via e-mail or phone?….once a week? Once a month?
  6. Do you tape actors for projects outside of Chicago?
  7. What kind of advice do you give your actors regarding making themselves more marketable?
  8. If I’m in a show would you consider coming?
  9. What the difference is between multi listing and being exclusive.  Are all of your actors exclusive?
  10. What is the difference between union and non-union and how does one become union?
  11.  What do you look for in a resume and cover letter?
  12. What is your pet peeve about actors?

Remember that your agent will be the one working on your behalf. Make sure you feel good about your choice.

This list came together when Agent Marisa Paonessa took time out of her busy schedule to talk with our teens during the Summer Audition Clinic.  We also got some great input from our friends at Grossman Jack, Bob Schroeder & Donna Simon Dunn. Thanks!

New Student Acting Seminar at the Acting Studio Chicago

Look Who's Working!


Phil Guison shot industrials for WebMD and Valvoline!